
motivations to keep going

i’m not going to lie to you. it is hard to keep going when having annie because your constantly having a battle with your thoughts (the bad saying don’t eat it, but then the good saying eat it) and yes it can be very very tiring,but what i do is think of the reasons why i’m doing it, for me it’s swimming. before annie rudely interrupted swimming was my life and i loved it but then it went, gone in a flash. so whenever i’m struggling i just think of being it that pool again . it can be hard because at times there will be set backs that push you away from that goal, and even sometimes your goal may change, but all of that is okay! the main think is that you have a goal no matter how big or how small, just have a goal because in order to get the best out of any recovery you just need a goal.  another way to get motivated is the people around you! surround yourself with supportive people like good friends and family and you can do anything, you can feel invincible! do it for them! and ...


so i’ve been gone a while, but it’s been so good! i’ve tried to move on from annie and even though people say to me that impossible you can’t just forget it it’s always gonna be there, to that i say what do you know!  since new yes i’ve tried to just do and eat things and not feel guilty and you know what it’s done me the world of good because I am eating foods that months ago would have terrified me, like choclate, cereal, yoghurts, cooked, you name it i now eat it!  i’m not saying annie has totally gone because they would be a lie. Annie is still there but she’s now just a irrelevant whisper i try my hardest not to listen to. I believe yes of course it’s important to get healthy and make sure your body is working well, but it’s also if you are gonna to attempt to move on you gotta have a positive mindset on food and life in general (gotta have a healthy mindset) so i’m not saying this is the way for anyone but for me...well i’m gonna best it but i’m doing it my own way :)...

the stigma around eating disorders

this topic has been a difficult one for me to write about because i’m passionate about breaking those stigmas and stereotypes as they are so frustrating to me, because breaking down those stigmas could be the difference between life or death, and i want people to realise that. when the thought of me having an eating disorder came into my head, I didn't believe it, I was adamant that I didn't, I thought to myself, I eat, yes not as much as other people do, but I eat, three meals a day, normal amounts,,I thought that because originally  I believed In stigmas around eating disorders and that people, who had one looked extremely skinny and didn't eat at all, but now I realise that that is no where near the truth. knowing the truth is important because if I knew the truth all those months ago maybe I would have realised that what I was doing was wrong, that it was dangerous, maybe when I got diagnosed I wouldn't of been in denial and prevented my recovery. maybe none of ...

the stereotypes of CP

When having any type of illness or disability in your life, there is always gonna be stereotypes that go along with it, mainly I find stereotypes are made by the media, such a films etc. Lets start with the stereotype of cerebral palsy, what's the first thing that comes into your mind when you think of someone with cerebral palsy, is it someone in a wheel chair, how about someone who is unable to talk or move.... Well it is know that in 2008 there was 58.2% of children with CP that could walk independently, with only 11.3% needing a hand held mobility device and 30,6% with no mobility, so even the statistics show that the stereotypes are wrong! There are many stereotypes of people with CP and they all frustrate me! for instance, the stereotype that people with CP can not live, because yes there will be some of us in the world that will need extra support, but that doesn't mean they can't live independlty, the growing technology, modification in peoples homes or even s...

self care

hey guys!! once again would like to thank you all for following and reading my blog, you have no idea how much that means to me, so thank you! self care. what does that even mean, well that's exactly what I thought when someone asked me if I could do a blog about it, self care is about how you look after your health in any type of situation, well then I thought, physical or mental?.. the thing is it could be both, it is important in life to look after both your mental and physical health. especially in todays society. in todays society I believe that is the up most importance to look after your mental health, there is so many stigmas going around about mental health. the stigma that people who ask for help, are not really struggling but asking for attention, the  stigma that if you ask for help it will ruin your popularity, your friendship's, your life. in my eyes that is when all the problems occur, if your worrying about what everyone else thinks, and not worrying ab...

the cp word...

cerebral palsy. what does everyone think when they hear the word cerebral palsy they probably think wheel chairs, but that’s what frustrates me because to me someone with a disability is just someone who struggles more with things, but doesn’ give up, just needs to try a bit harder, fight a bit harder but gets the same goal as everyone else, the goal sometimes could mean a lot more because of that little bit harder they have to fight!  my aim with this blog is to break down the stereotypes that go along with having cerebral palsy or having a disability in general, i want us all to be treated the same but also for people to see the differences and the fights we have to go through and to acknowledge them as amazing not odd, not weird but amazing!  my aim is that i  want you all to next time you see someone in a wheelchair is to not stare, not cross the road, not point but to smile, start a conversation or just act normal, because i believe that’s all people with disabilitie...

becoming a healthy weight...

healthy weight, that can seem like a swear word in people with a ED eyes. but to people without an ED it sounds like a goal, an achievement, and even though when you get to the weight it may not feel like it, it will be. i am reaching the point where i’m either at or near the health weight range and my body is showing signs of recovery. the thing with a healthy weight is that there isn’t a certain weight for everyone it all depends on you height and age and gender, so someone who’s 6ft will be different to someone who is 5ft, you’ve always go to keep that in mind, you can’t constantly think that you always got to weigh the same as your friends because it doesn’t work like that. the thing that confuses me with becoming a healthy weight is that, i used to think that ones you became a healthy weight your brain would “click” and you would be able to eat whatever you want without feeling guilty, however i’m not sure if that’s true because with me that’s not the case and that’s what i find s...