the stereotypes of CP
When having any type of illness or disability in your life, there is always gonna be stereotypes that go along with it, mainly I find stereotypes are made by the media, such a films etc.
Lets start with the stereotype of cerebral palsy, what's the first thing that comes into your mind when you think of someone with cerebral palsy, is it someone in a wheel chair, how about someone who is unable to talk or move....
Well it is know that in 2008 there was 58.2% of children with CP that could walk independently, with only 11.3% needing a hand held mobility device and 30,6% with no mobility, so even the statistics show that the stereotypes are wrong!
There are many stereotypes of people with CP and they all frustrate me! for instance, the stereotype that people with CP can not live, because yes there will be some of us in the world that will need extra support, but that doesn't mean they can't live independlty, the growing technology, modification in peoples homes or even support from family will allow people to live independlty, some people with CP are able to live on their own and THRIVE!!
Another stereotype is that we are intellectually disabled and will not be able to progress with our education as much as others, well from experience I know that isn't true, I believe unless you have a learning disability alongside your CP you can excel in school just like everyone else. alongside that people believe that people with CP have a limited future, I really hope that stereotype isn't true because I believe if you are hard working, determined and positive in life you can have an AMAZING future!!
the final stereotype is that CP is untreatable yes there is no cure for it, but today children with CP can benefit from physiotherapy to medications, to even operations to improve their way of life, that goes alongside the stereotype that people with CP are unable to walk, well 50-60% of children with CP learn to walk, yes we may not look as good as you, we may never walk down a runway but WE CAN WALK and will be walking onto great things in life.
so finally yes sometimes living with CP can be stereotyped but I want you all to know living with CP, does not limit your happiness, does not limit love and friendship, does not shatter your hope and dreams, and it cannot steal your determination!! because as long as you don't let your CP stop you can go anywhereeeeeeeee!!
i was going to do both CP and Annie but I will leave it here for this week.....
insta: @anniecpandme
hashtag: #anniecpandme
Lydia x
Lets start with the stereotype of cerebral palsy, what's the first thing that comes into your mind when you think of someone with cerebral palsy, is it someone in a wheel chair, how about someone who is unable to talk or move....
Well it is know that in 2008 there was 58.2% of children with CP that could walk independently, with only 11.3% needing a hand held mobility device and 30,6% with no mobility, so even the statistics show that the stereotypes are wrong!
There are many stereotypes of people with CP and they all frustrate me! for instance, the stereotype that people with CP can not live, because yes there will be some of us in the world that will need extra support, but that doesn't mean they can't live independlty, the growing technology, modification in peoples homes or even support from family will allow people to live independlty, some people with CP are able to live on their own and THRIVE!!
Another stereotype is that we are intellectually disabled and will not be able to progress with our education as much as others, well from experience I know that isn't true, I believe unless you have a learning disability alongside your CP you can excel in school just like everyone else. alongside that people believe that people with CP have a limited future, I really hope that stereotype isn't true because I believe if you are hard working, determined and positive in life you can have an AMAZING future!!
the final stereotype is that CP is untreatable yes there is no cure for it, but today children with CP can benefit from physiotherapy to medications, to even operations to improve their way of life, that goes alongside the stereotype that people with CP are unable to walk, well 50-60% of children with CP learn to walk, yes we may not look as good as you, we may never walk down a runway but WE CAN WALK and will be walking onto great things in life.
so finally yes sometimes living with CP can be stereotyped but I want you all to know living with CP, does not limit your happiness, does not limit love and friendship, does not shatter your hope and dreams, and it cannot steal your determination!! because as long as you don't let your CP stop you can go anywhereeeeeeeee!!
i was going to do both CP and Annie but I will leave it here for this week.....
insta: @anniecpandme
hashtag: #anniecpandme
Lydia x
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