motivations to keep going
i’m not going to lie to you. it is hard to keep going when having annie because your constantly having a battle with your thoughts (the bad saying don’t eat it, but then the good saying eat it) and yes it can be very very tiring,but what i do is think of the reasons why i’m doing it, for me it’s swimming. before annie rudely interrupted swimming was my life and i loved it but then it went, gone in a flash. so whenever i’m struggling i just think of being it that pool again.
it can be hard because at times there will be set backs that push you away from that goal, and even sometimes your goal may change, but all of that is okay! the main think is that you have a goal no matter how big or how small, just have a goal because in order to get the best out of any recovery you just need a goal.
another way to get motivated is the people around you! surround yourself with supportive people like good friends and family and you can do anything, you can feel invincible! do it for them! and even sometimes for some people, just knowing that those people are there and they supportive you while that pushing them on! just make sure you surround yourself with real friends! friends that will be with you before recovery, during recovery and after recovery because if you do they will give you all the strength you need <3
However after saying all that, you are also your own strength you are the will to keep going. Without a strong, determined, positive personality you will not have any motivation and without motivation recovery will be become increasingly difficult. so yes of course it’s about goals and the people around you.But it’s also about you. and whether you have the strength to reach for those goals or to ask for the support and strength of those around you.
goes back to my motto PMA!
PMA and you can do anything :)
i’m sorry i’ve been quiet, life just get in the way how ever i’m gonna try be active as much as possible :)
hope everyone is well and still fighting! remember if your lonely or struggling my messages are always open <3
insta: @anniecpandme
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