living with CP

so first of all im not even sure what to write on my blog, so if you want a leave a comment on what you would like to see :) .

so this blog has only been going a couple of days and ive already had over 100 page views so thank you so much!! If you don't already know ive started a Instagram page so check that out!!

so now lets get into the blog...
CP stands for cerebral palsy which is a brain injury that cause weakness in your legs, you mainly get it if you were born prematurely or a complication at birth. approximately 1800 children are diagnosed with cerebral palsy a year, and sadly in 2004 that was my year. for me I wasn't diagnosed till I was 2 as my parents started to realise I wasn't developing as much as "normal" babies do.
living with cerebral palsy, what is it like? well to be honest its just like any other life, I still go to school, I still do homework, I still do jobs round the house, and I still get moaned at by my parents. the only thing that to be is different is that some things are harder for example, walking around is tiring, my balance is rubbish, and I'm slower than everyone else at doing things.

I believe people who suffer with CP have to be head strong, determined and resilient otherwise they've got no hope, I think that because people with CP or any disability will come across many challenges in their lifetime so being those three things will help them overcome those challenges because if they don't be those three things they are just gonna become stuck. My family and friends all seem to describe me as being headstrong and determined and to me that's not just overcoming physical challenges but also mental challenge, for instance when you have CP you can often feel left out as there are things in life which are just too hard for you to do, and you've got to be head strong and not let that get you down because if your not then life will get harder and sadder because there are gonna be many things in which you cant do because it will be too hard but you just got to push on and keep going. my saying in life is PMA (positive mental attitude) without that life is gonna be hard, so whenever your finding things tough just think PMA PMA PMA PMA PMA!!

the toughest thing I think people with CP have to deal with is people looking at us like we’re some time of 5 leged human! it really makes me feel self conscious and i think it’s just rude! people shouldn’t stare at people just because they’re different it’s not right !! but once again this is where PMA comes in, you just have to think they are looking at you because your beautiful, amazing and they just want to be you!! i just say “take a picture it lasts longer”

well i hope that gave you an insight of what living with CP is like, if you’ve got any questions or suggestions on what you want me to write about please leave a comment, i also really appreciate feedback comments as this is my first blog.

lydia x 


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