the recovery

The recovery from anorexia is hard because you got to become the normal weight. They put you on a meal plan, the meal plan is a way to wage how many calories you have per day and it's not just food it's drink to because the first stage of your recovery is rehydration weignt, that's when the fluids you drink like orange juice and milkshakes, rehydrate things like your liver and kidneys as they have been starved for so long. So my tip their is don't be scared of gaining weight the first weeks of your recovery because all you got to think is that it's just your body rehydrating.

So the plan consists of:
Breakfast with fruit 
Snack normally fruit and drink
Dinner with drink and fruit 
Snack normally a protein bar 

For me, I struggle with the snack because my Annie affected me by I would eat small breakfast lunch and tea and have nothing in between so to me the snacks are extra food that I haven't had before and therefore is a struggle. The breakfast is also a struggle because my breakfast was legit a hand full of cereal so now its triple that and to me starting with a small breakfast meant I could eat more in the day. But now I'm having a big breakfast which means it's hard. For me fatty food is hard to eat like chocolate and sweets ice cream etc. But recently I've tried to eat on ”scary food” a week to try get my brain gradually thinking it's okay to eat. The whole point of the meal plan is yes to put weight on but they also say that once you have ate a certain amount of food your brain will click and annie won't be a every time I'm struggling thsts what I think off, it's not forever it will go away another key thing that I do to make it better is distract myself after by either going on my phone, watching tv or doing something with family and friends, it's always good to distract yourself  otherwise annie  will come along and shout at you and make you feel guily. 

Also, the recovery isn't just the meal plan its the rest, for the first few months your not allowed to do anything really not even go to school until you're at the right weight. So my tip there is find a hobbies to past the time because trust me watching tv all the time gets Boring. I like doing mindful colouring it doesn't just distract me but I enhoy it. 

The recovery is also mentally, people keep telling me that once you've eaten a certain amount of food, that something will click in your brain and Annie will go away, I'm guessing it doesn't happen like that but for me, that's how I think to help my mental recovery. I also think about everything ill be able to do afterwards always forward snot backwards.

Thanks for following my blog it means a lot I really wanna spread the story to help others so please spread as much as possible on your instance stories, Facebook,  Twitter and Instagram use the hashtag #anniecpandme.
Follow my insta: @anniecpandme

Lydia x 


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